Friday, January 11, 2013

This time......

Things around here have been somewhat tough since we arrived back from our sunny holiday in Queensland last November. I feel as though that two weeks of bliss fell off the radar quicksmart and we landed in some sort of limbo-land. Christmas came as quickly as it went and the New Year was no different. We are living day to day wondering where hubby will get a job and where we are meant to be. It is sobering and it is quite scary. I have tried my best not to flip out as I would normally do and so far it is working, with an occasional flip out session once every few days. 

We have been challenged with patience. Lots of it. Its hard to be patient when you have a family to feed and a mortgage to pay, but so far things have worked out okay and we have been fine.

I have been filling in my time making my pretty wool scrap blanket and the kids have just been hanging about. I feel sorry for them just doing not much on the holidays when normally I would be treating them to movies or going certain places.

This week I have been challenged to see things in a new light. I have gone out on a limb and we have even applied for jobs out of our state and out of our town. If this is meant to happen I am now open to the possibility. I am actually craving an adventure. Something to inspire me. Something that when I am old and gray I can look back on my life and realise that i did things. Really did things.

Afterall, we only get once crack at this. We need to make it count. 

This little blog of mine, although I write it for me and for my family first and foremost is something that I hope to develop over this year. Make it better, reach out further, really connect and give it the time it deserves. 

I must say that this experience has brought me closer to my husband. If I loved him before, I love him so much more now just seeing how he handles these types of situations with such grace and a relaxed sense of self. He doesn't overreact like me, doesn't fast-forward to fear and worry. He is amazing. 

So this year I will kick it off with the love in my heart that I have for others. I will remember to tell them. I will embrace the journey of this life and share it with you.


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