Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Crocheting a simple granny square!

image from http://i-cdn.apartmenttherapy.com/uimages/ohdeedoh/granny-squares.jpg

So I am going to show you how to make a simple crochet granny square. I am not going into how to change colours etc. I will do that on another post, first I will start with the basics.

Here are some simple diagrams to help you start.

This is how you do a chain stitch

this is how we do double crochet 

images from google

Now lets get started, 

Using a crochet hook and some wool, make a slip knot on your hook.

Chain 6 and join the first chain up with the last with a slip knot to form a ring.

Chain 3

Chain another 2 double crochet into the ring. This will form your group of 3 double crochet.

Chain one. continue to do three more groups of 3 double crochet separated by 1 chain. You should have 4 groups of 3 double crochet in a circle.

Join your circle by chaining one and joining the last chain with the 3rd chain in your first double crochet where you started with a slip knot.

Chain 3 to get the hight of your next round. this round will form your square. Double crochet twice into the chain to form a group of 3 double crochet. This will form part of your corner. Chain one.  

Double crochet 3 times into the next chain to form your next corner.

 chain 3 and double crochet 3 times into the same chain. this will complete the corner.

Chain 1, double crochet another three times into the next chain and then chain 1. Double crochet another group of 3 into the next corner chain to form your corner. Chain 3 and double crochet another group of 3 to complete the next corner.

Continue this around until you come to the first corner you did. Double crochet three times into the chain of that corner and then chain 3. Join up with the other side of the corner with a slip knot like so...

To make the next round do the same as the previous round double crocheting groups of three all the way around separated by chain 1. Remember to chain 3 in the corners to make your corner. Join with a slip knot and cut and tie off.

Now lets get grannying!!!


  1. I was in tears during my first attempt at crochet!! It's amazing how quickly you see results though, no? Looking forward to seeing your work!

  2. Thank you for this tutorial, I have FINALLY made one. It needs improvement but I made it! :)
