When I was a little girl I don't think I ever had the chance to go to dance class. I can't ever remember asking my parents if I could go, and I can't even remember having an interest in dancing. Back in those days we just ran a muck in the neighbourhood. There was hardly any after school activity apart from playing netball.
My thing was singing. I used to sing and sing and up until recently when I started getting anxiety I sang. Now I don't sing anymore. I am sure that my voice will come back to me one day, but for now it has retreated on holiday.
I have been waiting for the time when my girls would ask me to do dancing. Actually, Naomi has said that she wanted to do ballet since she was two. The thing is that I just never thought that anyone would take her in their ballet class. I thought that I didn't want them to think that she couldn't follow the moves quick enough etc and so would not want 'that girl' in their class. I can't believe that I ever felt worried enough about it that I put that restriction on my own child. It makes me feel guilty for doing it.
So this year, when both the girls asked me if they could do dancing I thought, I am not going to hold them back any longer. I know that dancing can cost money, but this school was so good and the price so good that I couldn't refuse. When I explained Naomi to them they had no problem with letting her be part of their ballet class and they welcomed us with open arms.
The verdict is that the girls LOVED IT. Every second.
I seriously had to stop balling my eyes out in the car when I picked them up as seeing them enjoying themselves doing something they love is what being a parent is all about.
Especially for my little Naomi. She has known nothing but therapy and hard work since she was two. Nothing fun where she could just be and dance. She may just dance her own dance to the beat of her own drum, but I am sure that there will be a smile on her face from ear to ear.
And there will be one on mine also.....
That is just so lovely! A moment for you both to hold dear and treasure for all time!! Sarah