Thursday, October 25, 2012

I heart my body - I heart life

: My body has been through one hell of a journey. When I was born I was very premature. The doctors actually told my parents that I would die. I lived to tell the tale. I still have a scar on my body from where the tubes were inserted into my lungs. On my body. To remind me that I am meant to be here. That I am a fighter.

: When I was young, riding my bike, my body hit a telegraph pole on the left side of my face. The bike kept going. I still remember the pain and I still remember the screams. It hurt like hell. But I lived to tell the tale. I can still feel the sting of the pole. On my body. To remind me that I am meant to be here. That I am not good at riding bikes.

: When I was a little older, I was playing in the bush with some friends and one of them threw a large rock and it hit me in the back of my head. I blacked out. I could not see and I could not hear. It was rather scary. My grandmother washed my head out in the bathroom sink. I remember seeing all the blood. I still remember the pain and I still remember the fear of what was happening. My friends gave me presents to say sorry. I can still feel the scar on my head. On my body. To remind me that I am meant to be here. That people should not throw stones. In any form.

: When I was in high school until my twenties I suffered from bulimia. It was a horrible existence. I hated my body. I thought I was fat and ugly. I still carry a scar on my knuckle from where my teeth would rub on it when I was sticking my hand down my throat. Horrid, I know. On my body. To remind me that I am meant to be here. That bulimia is stealing the lives of many girls and recovery is possible.

: When I was a rebellious teenager I went clubbing with my friends. A girl got crazy and threw a glass of wine into my face. Literally. It cut just above my lip. It hurt. I cried. Silly girl. I still remember the look of my mother when she saw me and I still have the scar above my lip. On my body. To remind me that I am meant to be here. That people drink too much.

Now that I am an adult, I have given birth to three gorgeous babies. I still remember the pain. I still carry the scar from the cesar. I still have stretch marks all over my belly from the pregnancies and scars around my nipples. On my body. To remind me that I am meant to be here. That being a mum is the best job in the world.

I am linking up with We heart life's I heart my body champaign, raising awareness about positive body image. You can do the same here. !

Love yourself.

Nic xx


  1. I too have many scars & also those stretch marks.
    You are a true fighter.

  2. You are amazing.

    And I can't ride a bike too well either ;) except my pole was a bar.. that the bike went underneath, me not so much.

    Thank you for linking up x

  3. great blog Nic & great cause xx

  4. This is so great Nicole! I said it myself, our bodies are a canvas, for life to mark and create a piece of art!
    Your body is a beautiful piece of art x

  5. Ahhh, the tales our bodies tell. Amazing x

  6. Powerful and very moving post x

  7. Somehow I missed your post last week!

    Such powerful words.
    Scars are most definitely reminds of what we have been through and what we can endure.

  8. thanks. They are a good reminder of what is important and life lessons xx
