Saturday, August 25, 2012


I am so grateful that I am alive today. That I have breath in my lungs. That I can laugh and share and be here. I am grateful for a coffee plunger today as my machine decided to die {IKNOW! WILL I go on?!..}, I am grateful for bacon and eggs filling my belly, grateful for fresh washing out on the line, grateful for a washing machine and that I have hands to peg them out there. Grateful for the sound of my children playing and laughing; the sound that some parents miss, or the sound that some people never get the chance to hear. I am grateful for the bills piling up on the fridge, that means that we are rich enough to have a house, to drive a car, to have clean running water and to use a mobile phone. I am grateful that I have great friends to inspire me, some that have a huge journey ahead of them and allow me to share in that. I am grateful that the sun is shining today to bring a bit of joy to the day. I am grateful that you are reading this; that you take the time to read my words in your day. I am grateful for this little face that greeted me first thing this morning....

What's making you grateful today?


  1. This is a big one! Kinda blew me away a little bit. I'm grateful you're alive too! x

    1. Thank you so am I! So many things to be grateful for hey xxx
