Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I just want five

Lately I feel like nothing is fitting in. There is work, sport, friends, making stuff for school, cooking, cleaning, shopping, homework...oh my the homework....today there was even a little meltdown over the homework and that was ME. Then there is the running...I am loving it but hurry up and bring the race already as I am getting tired! I have not strayed for over 8 weeks from the program but this little runner is needing it to come as its all just getting on top of me now! I have a sore throat, I'm cranky with a capital C and I need a good rest. This afternoon I find myself here. On my bed just for five minutes shut eye!

Let's hope that gets the system going as I'm off to the gym to get hammered and question myself as to why I am doing all of this! I'll let you know when I know!


  1. oh I hope things ease up soon! sounds like you need some good "me" time. Good on you for sticking to your program for 8 weeks!! Maria x

  2. I blame July! Everyone I speak to had a crazy busy month and August is feeling like catch up! Hope you got your five minutes (and more) rest xx
