Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hi ho hi ho it's back to work I go...

Tomorrow is the first day that I go back to work in the 'real' work force for probably a long time. I have not worked in over ten years.  I have done some casual days here and there over the last year and for the last 12 months I have been doing some cleaning for some friends but as of tomorrow I will have a real job with a real boss and I am what you would call a little nervous!

I studied last year to be a teachers aide and I have really been looking forward to the day when I can utilise my hard earned skills. The day is tomorrow. I am not sure on the exact hours yet, but I am eager and I am ready. 

I really feel that I have done a great job over the last 11 years being home to raise my kids and I am really lucky that I was able to do this. We didn't have bucket loads of money, it really just came down to choice. It was OUR choice that I stay home and we sacrificed alot financially to do that. I am happy with the choice we made. My kids have not missed out. They have had their mum and they have learnt alot with me being here and I have learnt alot from being with them.  I have witnessed the many 'firsts' that a parent dreams to see and it has been a load of fun and tears and tantrums along the way!

I will never forget these early years that I have been blessed with being able to stay home to raise my children. 

I am looking forward to seeing what the new chapter will bring. I am hungry to learn more and to show the world that I have skills and passions that I am bursting to use. I am lucky as my new job still means that I can take the kids to school and pick them up. I wont be working fulltime and I will have school holidays off. I may even start studying again. We will see. One day at a time right?

Anyway, thanks for the memories. Its been great. Lets move ahead......


  1. I'm very excited for you - hope its a great first day xx

  2. Good luck with your first day! You will have to let us know how it went. I'm thinking of doing a teacher's aid course, can you tell me whats involved? Thanks Mandy

  3. Thanks Mandy. It was an AMAZING day and I was supporting the most adorable little vegemite. I did my course on bonline. Have a look. It was all done from the comfort of my laptop and then I did 50 volunteer hours at our school. Being a TA is the best and most rewarding job I have ever had. X
