Sunday, February 26, 2012

A GLORIOUS weekend

This weekend was so lovely. How was yours? The weather here was gorgeous and hot and summery and I managed to fit ALOT in. I started off with a great wine and a home cooked baked dinner on Friday night and a movie in bed with the hubby. Then we headed over to my inlaws on Saturday for brunch for Mark's nannas 88th birthday. It was a relaxing day. They live right on the water at Oatley bay and the kids enjoyed playing with their cousins and laughing and swimming whilst we just ate and ate and ate some more! Then there was my banana cake. YES.

Then that evening my best friend and I hit the city to see Roxette in concert. It was an awesome night. So. Much. Fun.

Today after church there was a playdate for Jonah at a mates and Mark took Hannah to the movies. Naomi and I lazed about watching movies and there was some playing and napping. I even managed to start filling in some paperwork for my job starting on Wednesday this week (!!!!). Then there was great ravioli to top it off!

What a weekend. I planned on spending some quality time relaxing with hubby tonight but I am STILL banging my head against a brick wall trying to get the girls to sleep since 2 hours ago!!!!

How was your weekend? What did you get up to!? Was it as glorious as mine?

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