So it's over. Christmas 2012. It came as fast as it went. But in all the planning, the present buying, the rushing about, the drinking, the eating, the present opening, one thing was sure : it was magical.
It always is. Even this year amongst the stresses, the magic still remained.
I love the eve of Christmas. We headed into town to see the QVB tree, the David Jones windows and St Mary's Cathedral. Then it was home for church, as we remember the reason we celebrate this : Jesus. Then it's the giggles and excitement of the kids putting out the cookies and milk, letters for Santa and the carrots for the reindeer.
Christmas morning comes in all her magic with squeals of delight and the sound of ripping paper.
Then there is a day of eating, drinking and catching up with family until we all crash into our beds, exhausted.
Happy new year 2013