Monday, March 5, 2012

Juggle it

So she looks like she has it all sorted right? She is the ideal mum. She is a great housewife that has all the children fed, dressed and 5 loads of washing hanging on the line before school drop off. The lunches are not your average vegemite sambo..oh NO. She has some gourmet lunches going on in her kids boxes coupled with home-made produce. She has it all together. Executive by day, mum the rest of the time and the good wife to top it off. Dinner cooked; and I am NOT talking spaghetti bolognaise (which is what I managed to whip up tonight!). No, she has a roast with all the trimmings. Then there is desert. Homework is done, sport and dancing is over and she has time to relax by the fire in her spotless house with her glass of red and her hubby. I wish this was me but it is so far from me at the moment!!

The fact is that in the morning my house resembles a bootcamp or better still the army reserves where commands can be heard to be screamed loudly from yours truly in the attempt to get everyone out the door. Washing is piling up and lunches are the packet variety and vegemite sandwiches (yes I KNOW. I KNOW! It's a low point for me!) My house is not tidy. It is VERY dirty and I am coping with the mess in the cupboards by simply closing them behind me..that, and they need closing so that everything doesn't just fall right out!

I am so far working three days this week AND somewhere in there have to organize a party for my soon to be 6 year old next week and all I really want to do is sit with that glass of red on the couch by the fire, but that would mean that:

1. We would swelter inside and
2. I would have to wash up my glass.

And I can't be bothered.

Do you ever find times overwhelming? do you have any tips on how to juggle this life?!!!

Dont forget to enter the giveaway too. You can enter here to be in the running!!

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