Friday, March 16, 2012

Colour your world...



I am in awe of what I have learned over the last few days. I have been attending the "colour your world" hillsong conference at the entertainment center in Sydney since last night and today. The worship is amazing, but even more-so the teaching is heaven-breathed. His word has spoken to me. Directly.

It has been a time of rejuvenation that I have been thirsting for. To delve into the word of God and REALLY hear it. Let it speak to me.

This morning Beth Moore preached on John 20. Relating to the missing body of Christ and Marys response to liking it to us "misplacing" God...knowing something is not right and not feeling as if he is truly "there"...this is how I feel alot of the time, yet the word assures us that God knows EXACTLY whereto find US. He doesn't just deliver us FROM something but TO something...that our lives were ordained to bear much fruit and to bring honor to him.

Tonight Priscilla Shrier, the most amazing and profound speakers I have ever heard taught to us from Luke 24. She encouraged us to stop trying to see through a foggy lens. To change our perspective and see the call of God on our lives. That when we are disolutioned we won't truly see Gods calling, but that the secret of beholding is to OPEN our eyes to allow our spiritual radar to pick up on God working in and through our lives and to "lean in" to his calling. That when we are filled by the holy spirit he gives us hope and the power to keep going. That the Christian life is not a "religion". It is a "connection"; a "relationship". Real life.

I loved this quote...

"there is a problem when we are walking with God and we are doing all the talking; when we talk nothing happens, but when God talks whole worlds come into existence!"

I need to listen more to God and be aware of him speaking to me. Lead me.

Another quote...
"When you don't know Christ, what kind of HOPE do you have? What kind of ANCHOR? A woman that has had an ENCOUNTER with God, NOTHING can shake her faith...there is peace in the midst of the sword..peace that will LAST. As Jesus said "my peace I leave you, (which is the holy spirit).

I have been inspired to be the change. For my family. For my community. For my world. One step at a time to bring all honor and power and glory to Him who delivered me.


  1. Thanks for sharing the profound ways God has changed your life through the weekend so far. He is our anchor in the storm isn't he, and can do absolutely anything! May we continue to be in tune to what he's saying to us through the power of the Holy Spirit. I missed the last session (Beth Moore) but am getting a copy as I'm sure it would have been great too! God bless you xx
